Source code for pyMETHES.cross_section

#  Copyright (c) 2020 ETH Zurich

Module for importing cross section data, based on the 'lxcat_data_parser' package.

Data points are added to each cross section at zero energy and at max_energy (which
is user-defined). The classes 'CrossSection' and 'CrossSectionSet' of the
lxcat_data_parser are extended to include 'interp1d' linear interpolations of each
cross section.

# Import Packages
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import molmass
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.constants as csts
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lxcat_data_parser import CrossSectionTypes as CST
from lxcat_data_parser import CrossSection, CrossSectionSet, CrossSectionReadingError
from typing import Union


[docs]class InterpolatedCrossSection(CrossSection): """ Extension of the CrossSection class to add a linear interpolation. Attributes: type (str, CrossSectionType): type of collision species (str): chemical formula of the species, example: N2 mass_ratio (float): ratio of electron mass to molecular mass threshold (float): energy threshold (eV) of the cross section database (str): name of the database data (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame with columns "energy" and "cross section" info: optional additional information on the cross section given via kwargs interpolation(interp1d): linear interpolation of the cross section """
[docs] def __init__(self, cross_section_type: Union[str, CST], species: str, data: pd.DataFrame, mass_ratio: float, threshold: float, **kwargs): """ Instantiate an InterpolatedCrossSection. Args: cross_section_type (str, CrossSectionType): type of collision species (str): chemical formula of the species, example: N2 data (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame with columns "energy" and "cross section" mass_ratio (float): ratio of electron mass to molecular mass threshold (float): energy threshold (eV) of the cross section """ super().__init__(cross_section_type, species, data, mass_ratio, threshold, **kwargs) self.interpolation = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(['energy'].to_numpy(),['cross section'].to_numpy(), kind='linear')
[docs]class InterpolatedCrossSectionSet(CrossSectionSet): """ Extension of the CrossSectionSet class to use InterpolatedCrossSections. Attributes: species (str): chemical formula of the species, example: N2 database (str): name of the database cross_sections (list): list of CrossSection instances """
[docs] def __init__(self, max_cross_section_energy: float, input_file: str, imposed_species: str, imposed_database: str = None): """ Instantiate an InterpolatedCrossSectionSet. Args: max_cross_section_energy (float): maximum cross section energy (eV), which is appended to the end of the cross section data input_file (str): path to the cross section data imposed_species (str): chemical formula of the species, example: N2 imposed_database (str): (optional) name of the database Raises: CrossSectionReadingError: if the provided file does not contain a valid set. """ super().__init__(input_file, imposed_species, imposed_database) # find the mass ratio value attached to the ELASTIC or EFFECTIVE cross section x = [x for x in self.cross_sections if x.type in (CST.EFFECTIVE, CST.ELASTIC)] if not x: raise CrossSectionReadingError( "The cross section set should contain exactly one EFFECTIVE " "CrossSection or one ELASTIC CrossSection. None was found.") elif len(x) > 1: raise CrossSectionReadingError( "The cross section set should contain exactly one EFFECTIVE " "CrossSection or one ELASTIC CrossSection. Several were found.") mass_ratio = x[0].mass_ratio # check the mass ratio using the molmass package try: molmass_mass_ratio = csts.electron_mass \ / (molmass.Formula(self.species).mass / (1000 * csts.Avogadro)) if not np.isclose(mass_ratio, molmass_mass_ratio): warnings.warn( "Incorrect mass ratio." f" The mass ratio {mass_ratio} read from the file " f"'{input_file}' for the species {imposed_species} does not match " f"the value {molmass_mass_ratio:.4} calculated with the molmass " f"package. You may consider fixing the input file." ) except molmass.FormulaError: warnings.warn( "Could not check the input mass ratio using the molmass package." f" {imposed_species} is not a valid chemical formula." ) # add a factor of 2 inside the mass ratio for future energy loss calculations mass_ratio *= 2 for x in self.cross_sections: if x.mass_ratio is None: x.mass_ratio = 0 else: x.mass_ratio = mass_ratio # set threshold to 0 when not defined if x.threshold is None: x.threshold = 0 # add data points (if needed) at zero energy and at max energy if['energy'].iat[0] > 0: zero_energy_line = pd.DataFrame( {'energy': [0], 'cross section': [['cross section'].iat[0]]}) = pd.concat([zero_energy_line,], ignore_index=True) if['energy'].iat[-1] < max_cross_section_energy: final_energy_line = pd.DataFrame( {'energy': [max_cross_section_energy], 'cross section': [['cross section'].iat[-1]]}) =, ignore_index=True) elif['energy'].iat[-1] > max_cross_section_energy: interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(['energy'],['cross section'], kind='linear') =[['energy'] < max_cross_section_energy] final_energy_line = pd.DataFrame( {'energy': [max_cross_section_energy], 'cross section': [interp(max_cross_section_energy)]}) =, ignore_index=True) # replace CrossSections by InterpolatedCrossSection self.cross_sections = [ InterpolatedCrossSection( x.type, x.species,, x.mass_ratio, x.threshold, ) for x in self.cross_sections ] # replace if needed the effective cross section by an elastic one self.effective_to_elastic()
[docs] def effective_to_elastic(self) -> None: """ If effective cross section is given instead of elastic, calculate elastic cross section and replace the effective cross section. """ # check if there is an effective cross section x_eff = [x for x in self.cross_sections if x.type == CST.EFFECTIVE] if x_eff: # combine the energy vectors into a total energy vector all_energies = np.concatenate([['energy'] for x in self.cross_sections]) energy_vector = np.unique(all_energies) # calculate the elastic cross section to replace the effective cross section x_ela = x_eff[0] x_ela.type = CST.ELASTIC = pd.DataFrame({ 'energy': energy_vector, 'cross section': x_ela.interpolation(energy_vector) }) # subtract all the excitation and ionization cross sections for x in self.cross_sections: if x.type in [CST.EXCITATION, CST.IONIZATION]:['cross section'] -= x.interpolation(['energy']) # update the linear interpolation x_ela.interpolation = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(['energy'].to_numpy(),['cross section'].to_numpy(), kind='linear')
[docs] def plot(self, block=True) -> None: """ Plot the cross section data. Args: block (bool): block execution or not when showing plot """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) colors = ['black', 'does_not_occur', 'grey', 'blue', 'red'] labels = [] for x in self.cross_sections: if x.type not in labels: labels.append(x.type) ax.loglog(['energy'],['cross section'], color=colors[x.type.value], else: ax.loglog(['energy'],['cross section'], color=colors[x.type.value]) # some cosmetics plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), title='type of cross section') plt.title('Cross Section Set of ' + self.species) plt.xlabel('energy [eV]') plt.ylabel('cross section [m^2]') # to make space for the legend on the right plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.72)