Source code for pyMETHES.utils

#  Copyright (c) 2020 ETH Zurich

Module with some utility methods.

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as sc
from typing import Union

num = Union[int, float, np.ndarray]

[docs]def velocity_from_energy(energy: num) -> num: """ Calculate the velocity norm of electrons, based on their kinetic energy. Args: energy: Energy of the electron (eV) Returns: Velocity norm of the electrons (m.s-1) """ return np.sqrt(2 * energy * sc.elementary_charge / sc.electron_mass)
[docs]def energy_from_velocity(velocity: num) -> num: """ Calculate the kinetic energy of electrons, based on the norm of their velocity. Args: velocity: velocity norm of the electrons (m.s-1) Returns: Energy of the electrons (eV) """ return 0.5 * sc.electron_mass * velocity ** 2 / sc.elementary_charge
[docs]def acceleration_from_electric_field(electric_field: num) -> num: """ Calculates the acceleration of electrons, based on the local electric field. Args: electric_field: local electric field strength (V.m-1) Returns: acceleration (m.s-2) """ return electric_field * (sc.elementary_charge / sc.electron_mass)