Source code for pyMETHES.monte_carlo

#  Copyright (c) 2020 ETH Zurich

Module for the MonteCarlo class.

The MonteCarlo class implements all random-number based methods to simulate the motion
of electrons. The simulation time-step is determined with the null collision technique
(calculate_max_coll_freq creates a lookup table for the choice of the
trial collision frequency, determine_timestep calculates the time-step based on the
current maximum electron energy and acceleration). The collision processes are randomly
chosen based on the collision frequency of each process. The scattering angles are
randomly chosen with either an isotropic or an anisotropic model.

# Import Packages
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as linalg
import scipy.constants as csts
import scipy.interpolate
from typing import Tuple

# Import modules
import pyMETHES.utils as utils
from pyMETHES.__about__ import __version__
from pyMETHES.config import Config
from pyMETHES.gas_mixture import GasMixture


[docs]class MonteCarlo: """ Class implementing all random-number based simulation methods Attributes: config (Config): configuration of the simulation trial_coll_freq (float): trial collision frequency for the null collision technique max_coll_freq (interp1d): cumulative maximum of the collision frequency as a function of the electron energy max_coll_period (ndarray): array inversely proportional to the cumulative maximum of the collision frequency max_coll_period_squared (ndarray): array inversely proportional to the square of the cumulative maximum of the collision frequency collision_by_electron (ndarray): array of collision index for each electron (starting at 0), an index equal to the number of cross sections indicates a null collision """ version = f"pyMETHES version {__version__}\n"
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: Config): """ Instantiates the MonteCarlo class. Args: cfg (Config): configuration of the simulation """ self.config = cfg # trial collision frequency self.trial_coll_freq = None # data for the calculation of the trial collision frequency self.max_coll_freq = None self.max_coll_period = None self.max_coll_period_squared = None # vector of which collision which electron undergoes self.collision_by_electron = None
[docs] def calculate_max_coll_freq(self, gas_mixture: GasMixture): """ Calculates the maximum collision frequency in the given gas mixture. Args: gas_mixture (GasMixture): gas mixture """ gas_density = self.config.gas_number_density velocity = utils.velocity_from_energy(gas_mixture.energy_vector) freq = gas_density * velocity * gas_mixture.total_cross_section # replace zero value to avoid divide by zero: freq[0] = freq[1] # take cumulative maximum of the collision frequency (make it monotonous) freq = np.maximum.accumulate(freq) self.max_coll_freq = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(gas_mixture.energy_vector, freq, kind='linear') self.max_coll_period = \ 0.5 * csts.electron_mass / csts.elementary_charge / freq self.max_coll_period_squared = \ 0.5 * csts.electron_mass / csts.elementary_charge / freq ** 2
[docs] def determine_timestep(self, max_velocity: float, max_acceleration: float) -> float: """ Determine the duration of the next time-step in the simulation with the null-collision technique. Args: max_velocity (float): current maximum electron velocity max_acceleration (float): current maximum electron acceleration Returns: time-step duration (s) """ # Draw random number s = - np.log(np.random.random()) # Calculate energy after step (worst case: max_velocity + max_acceleration * dt) max_energy = utils.energy_from_velocity(max_velocity) freq = self.max_coll_freq.y de = 2 * max_velocity * max_acceleration * s * self.max_coll_period \ + max_acceleration ** 2 * s ** 2 * self.max_coll_period_squared # Clip energy after step to maximum energy e_end = np.clip(max_energy + de, a_min=None, a_max=self.config.max_cross_section_energy) # Find trial collision frequency that fulfills the condition ok_frequencies = freq[self.max_coll_freq(e_end) <= freq] # Take the first (= smallest) frequency that fulfills the condition self.trial_coll_freq = 1.01 * ok_frequencies[0] # Calculate the time-step dt = s/self.trial_coll_freq return dt
[docs] def determine_collisions(self, gas_mixture: GasMixture, velocity_norm: np.ndarray, energy: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Calculates the collision frequencies for all electrons with all cross sections, and chooses a collision type via a random number. Args: gas_mixture (GasMixture): cross section data velocity_norm (ndarray): norm of the velocity of each electron energy (ndarray): energy of each electron """ # calculate the coll frequency for each cross section and each electron collision_matrix = np.array([ self.config.gas_number_density * interp(energy) * velocity_norm / self.trial_coll_freq for interp in gas_mixture.cross_sections]) rand_vector = np.random.rand(1, energy.size) rand_matrix = np.repeat(rand_vector, collision_matrix.shape[0], axis=0) coll_matrix_cum = np.cumsum(collision_matrix, axis=0) self.collision_by_electron = np.sum(rand_matrix > coll_matrix_cum, axis=0)
[docs] def perform_collisions( self, gas_mixture: GasMixture, position: np.ndarray, velocity: np.ndarray, energy: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int, int]: """ Calculates the electrons positions (created/removed) and velocities (scattered) after the collisions listed in the collision_by_electron array. Args: gas_mixture (GasMixture): cross section data position (ndarray): coordinates (x,y,z) of each electron (m) velocity (ndarray): velocity of each electron in (x,y,z) directions (m.s-1) energy (ndarray): energy of each electron (eV) Returns: the new position and velocity of electrons, the number of collisions, cations and anions produced """ null_collisions = \ self.collision_by_electron >= gas_mixture.number_of_cross_sections # set aside electrons which did not collide (null collision) null_coll_p = position[:, null_collisions] null_coll_v = velocity[:, null_collisions] is_collision = np.logical_not(null_collisions) collisions = self.collision_by_electron[is_collision] n_coll = collisions.size pos = position[:, is_collision] vel = velocity[:, is_collision] ener = energy[is_collision] # count attached electrons attachment_collisions = gas_mixture.is_attachment[collisions] n_att = np.count_nonzero(attachment_collisions) # remove attached electrons by excluding them is_collision = np.logical_not(attachment_collisions) collisions = collisions[is_collision] pos = pos[:, is_collision] vel = vel[:, is_collision] ener = ener[is_collision] # calculate the new velocity direction after scattering v_scattered_hat, cos_chi = MonteCarlo.unit_scattered_velocity( ener, vel, self.config.isotropic_scattering) # Calculate the losses and the remaining energy mass_ratios = gas_mixture.mass_ratios[collisions] ionization_collisions = gas_mixture.is_ionization[collisions] thresholds = gas_mixture.thresholds[collisions] sharing = np.ones(thresholds.shape) sharing[ionization_collisions] *= self.config.energy_sharing_factor losses = thresholds + ener * mass_ratios * (1 - cos_chi) energy_after_coll = np.maximum(ener - losses, 0) # Calculate the new velocity v_scattered = \ v_scattered_hat * utils.velocity_from_energy( energy_after_coll * sharing) # Add electrons produced by ionization new_e_pos = pos[:, ionization_collisions] new_e_energy = energy_after_coll[ionization_collisions] \ * (1 - self.config.energy_sharing_factor) new_e_velocity = \ MonteCarlo.unit_scattered_velocity(ener[ionization_collisions], vel[:, ionization_collisions], True)[0] \ * utils.velocity_from_energy(new_e_energy) n_ion = new_e_energy.size pos_end = np.hstack([null_coll_p, pos, new_e_pos]) vel_end = np.hstack([null_coll_v, v_scattered, new_e_velocity]) if self.config.conserve: ne_ini = position.shape[1] ne_end = pos_end.shape[1] if ne_end > ne_ini: # delete some random electrons to compensate for the increased number indexes_to_keep = np.random.permutation(ne_end)[:ne_ini] pos_end = pos_end[:, indexes_to_keep] vel_end = vel_end[:, indexes_to_keep] elif ne_end < ne_ini: # duplicate some random electrons to compensate for the decreased number n_duplicates = ne_ini - ne_end # stack if required, to draw enough duplicates n_stacks = int(np.ceil(n_duplicates/ne_end)) indexes_to_duplicate = np.concatenate( [np.random.permutation(ne_end) for _ in range(n_stacks)] )[:n_duplicates] pos_end = np.hstack([pos_end, pos_end[:, indexes_to_duplicate]]) vel_end = np.hstack([vel_end, vel_end[:, indexes_to_duplicate]]) return pos_end, vel_end, n_coll, n_ion, n_att
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_scattered_velocity(energy: np.ndarray, velocity: np.ndarray, iso: bool) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the new direction of the velocity vector after scattering. Args: energy (ndarray): energy of each electron (eV) velocity (ndarray): velocity of each electron in (x,y,z) directions before the collision (m.s-1) iso (bool): isotropic scattering (True) or anisotropic scattering (False) Returns: normed velocities after collisions, cosine of polar scattering angle """ cos_chi, sin_chi, cos_phi, sin_phi = MonteCarlo.scattering_angles(energy, iso) # Normalize the velocity v_hat = velocity / linalg.norm(velocity, axis=0, keepdims=True) # unit vector in x direction e_x = np.zeros_like(velocity) e_x[0, :] = 1 # calculate theta (angle between v_hat and e_x) theta = np.arccos(v_hat[0, :]) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) # calculate the direction of the new velocity, see Vahedi 1995 equation (11) v_new_dir = \ v_hat * cos_chi \ + np.cross(v_hat, e_x, axis=0) * sin_chi * sin_phi / sin_theta \ + np.cross(v_hat, np.cross(e_x, v_hat, axis=0), axis=0) \ * sin_chi * cos_phi / sin_theta return v_new_dir, cos_chi
[docs] @staticmethod def scattering_angles(energy: np.ndarray, iso: bool ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Generates values for the polar (chi) and azimuthal (phi) isotropic or anisotropic scattering angles according to Vahedi (1995). Args: energy: array of electron energies iso: isotropic scattering or not Returns: 4 arrays cos(chi), sin(chi), cos(phi), sin(phi) """ # choose scattering angle phi phi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(energy.size) sin_phi = np.sin(phi) cos_phi = np.cos(phi) # choose scattering angle chi if iso: cos_chi = 1 - 2 * np.random.random(energy.size) else: cos_chi = (2 + energy - 2 * (1 + energy) ** np.random.random(energy.size)) / energy sin_chi = np.sqrt(1 - cos_chi ** 2) return cos_chi, sin_chi, cos_phi, sin_phi